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Body And Shadow Comforting Each Other Alone
自我进入艺术创作以来,一直以现实主义题材为主,关注社会,放眼当下,关注底层人文一直是我感兴趣的地方,因为作为一个艺术家,除了创作表达自己内心情感的艺术品以外,还应该具有一定的社会责任感,社会培养了我们,我们长大后也理应用自己的所学反馈社会,然而艺术对于社会的贡献并不像理科、工科那样直接,他们的专业可以提高社会的生产力,提高国家的硬实力,但是科技、军事的进步软实力也必须与其保持均衡,所以这个时候艺术创作显得尤为重要,弘扬传统,发觉一些社会的不良现象或是国家所关注不到的山村等等,这些就是我们艺术家所要承担的责任,我之所以创作这些作品,也是希望通过各大艺术机构展出这些作品能够引起媒体的关注和寻求社会的救助。Since entering art creation, has been the theme of realism, social concern, looking at the moment, I have been concerned about the underlying cultural places of interest, because as an artist, in addition to the creation of art to express their inner feelings, but also have a sense of social responsibility, the social culture of us, we grow up also used their own learning community feedback, but artistic contribution to society is not science, engineering as a direct, their professional can improve social productivity, improve the national hard power, soft power is the progress of science and technology, but also must maintain its military balance, so this time the artistic creation is particularly important, carry forward the traditional, found some bad social phenomena or pay attention to the national village and so on, these are our artists To bear the responsibility, I created these works, but also hope that through the major art institutions to display these works can cause media attention and seek social assistance.
Wang Yue
自我进入艺术创作以来,一直以现实主义题材为主,关注社会,放眼当下,关注底层人文一直是我感兴趣的地方,因为作为一个艺术家,除了创作表达自己内心情感的艺术品以外,还应该具有一定的社会责任感,社会培养了我们,我们长大后也理应用自己的所学反馈社会,然而艺术对于社会的贡献并不像理科、工科那样直接,他们的专业可以提高社会的生产力,提高国家的硬实力,但是科技、军事的进步软实力也必须与其保持均衡,所以这个时候艺术创作显得尤为重要,弘扬传统,发觉一些社会的不良现象或是国家所关注不到的山村等等,这些就是我们艺术家所要承担的责任,我之所以创作这些作品,也是希望通过各大艺术机构展出这些作品能够引起媒体的关注和寻求社会的救助。Since entering art creation, has been the theme of realism, social concern, looking at the moment, I have been concerned about the underlying cultural places of interest, because as an artist, in addition to the creation of art to express their inner feelings, but also have a sense of social responsibility, the social culture of us, we grow up also used their own learning community feedback, but artistic contribution to society is not science, engineering as a direct, their professional can improve social productivity, improve the national hard power, soft power is the progress of science and technology, but also must maintain its military balance, so this time the artistic creation is particularly important, carry forward the traditional, found some bad social phenomena or pay attention to the national village and so on, these are our artists To bear the responsibility, I created these works, but also hope that through the major art institutions to display these works can cause media attention and seek social assistance.
Wang Yue

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