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Wang Shanshan
Chen Pengyu
Chen Pengyu
清明上河图 - Along The River During The Qingming Festival
《清明上河图》最早的版本为北宋画家张择端收藏于所作,现收藏于北京故宫博物院。画卷描绘的是当年汴京近郊在清明时节社会各阶层的生活景象,真实生动,是一件具有重要历史价值的优秀风俗画。作者以长卷形式,采用散点透视的构图法,将繁杂的景物纳入统一而富于变化的图画中。图中所绘城廓市桥屋庐之远近高下,草树马牛驴驼之大小出没,以及居者行者,舟车之往还先后,皆曲尽其仪态而莫可数记,全副场面浩大,内容极为丰富,整幅画作气势宏大、构图严谨、笔法细致,充分表现了画家对社会生活的深刻洞察力和高超的艺术表现能力。全图规模宏大,结构严谨,大致分为三个段落:第一段是市郊景画,第二段是汴河,第三段是城内街市。 《Along the River During the Qingming Festival》 was created by Zhang Zeduan in beisong dynasty,and now collected in the Palace Museum in Beijing. The production depicts the bian city suburban social from all walks of life in the ching Ming festival, lively, is a good genre painting has important historical value.The scatterplot perspective composition method was used in the production,described a complex scene into the picture of unity and abound change.The production contained tall or small houses in the city, hanted horses and donkeys,successicely walkers,vessels and vehicle. This prodection can be divided into three sections: the first section is on the outskirts of king painting, and the second paragraph is near, the third paragraph is the city streets.
Yin Pengyang

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