Appollo Garden3
Appollo Garden
Yang Ying
Lin Zhou
On The Train
Describes the do long-distance trains people tired expression and the different actions of different people
Liu Hang
The desire of modern people to break free of time
Zhang Zhiqiang
Pure Land Melody 3
Memorizing my childhood, I re-interpreting and picking up a brush honestly. Having a different conversation with the tradition, time, nature, "she" is no longer statue, incompletion, just as God-given, which makes her more mysterious and more experienced. This is a masterpiece of the common man and nature. It is painting over and over again that makes time become long and heavy. The independent existence of pigment is meaningful, and each kind represents a memory and a melody.
Fu Xin
Pure Land Melody 4
Memorizing my childhood, I re-interpreting and picking up a brush honestly. Having a different conversation with the tradition, time, nature, "she" is no longer statue, incompletion, just as God-given, which makes her more mysterious and more experienced. This is a masterpiece of the common man and nature. It is painting over and over again that makes time become long and heavy. The independent existence of pigment is meaningful, and each kind represents a memory and a melody.
Fu Xin
Pure Land Melody 5
Memorizing my childhood, I re-interpreting and picking up a brush honestly. Having a different conversation with the tradition, time, nature, "she" is no longer statue, incompletion, just as God-given, which makes her more mysterious and more experienced. This is a masterpiece of the common man and nature. It is painting over and over again that makes time become long and heavy. The independent existence of pigment is meaningful, and each kind represents a memory and a melody.
Fu Xin
自画像 1
Liu Wei
自画像 2
Liu Wei
自画像 3
Liu Wei
God Like Treatment
I have strong interest to western religion, has long been the solemn in the church, quiet and mysterious atmosphere make me love. May be associated with faith, I also tend to more emotion, morality, topics such as death. By trying to such subject matter some use images to express emotions and ideas. In the creation of these plates, theme prefer to "art", namely the impetuous people in today's real life empty psychological portrait, with the image of "no face", reveal the heart of confusion, negative, and impetuous, is a state of survival of the irony alert and their psychological reality. Which also include the state when I was painting show emotional expression, namely, with impromptu emotion. No matter positive or negative, all can be converted into the language performance of the artistic beauty of art, I like to use paint to the canvas to create a picture of the process, just like with your inner dialogue, into it.
Cao Yebo
Allow me a dream: a red and quiet busy...
Cao Yebo
Loneliness is a person's carnival, carnival is a group of lonely people
Cao Yebo
The creative art paper are made,using common tissue dropped with white and red wax liquid.With wax liquid into tissue,the texture of material of tissue change.
Yu Han
Loess Plateau
I love the hometown of thick mountain, love hometown of water, I hope one day my hometown soul can let I depend, again, until deep into her heart, there must be very beautiful.
Liang Jiaqing
Wang Chen
Zhao Zouchen
Message From The Moment Of Silence
Walking away from the bustling center of our urban life and watching it at a distance are what I do before I start a work. The giant well-built mechanism of urban life and impersonal masks it wears have made us blind to all the interesting and meaningful details of life. It calls for personal imagination to set them free. We are surrounded by media. If we can step away from the agenda-setting and pseudo-environment for a moment, we may find the uniqueness of things. In this process, I pay special attention to women. I try to describe how they originally are, since their complex beauty has been pushed to simplified itself so much by this consumeristic society.
Wang Xijin
A Lego Apartment
I arranged the demolished buildings like LEGO blocks in my childhood, hope to add some joy to this decayed city. The imagery of bathtub has appeared in many of my paintings repeatedly. This obsession started from a tour in Dunhuang four years ago when I saw local people grow plants in bathtubs under difficult environmental circumstances. Bathtubs mean vitality and desire, I spread pure desire for life into this concrete jungle through the bathtub.
Wang Xijin
Puffed Desire
Puffed food is the hallmark of this era, convenient, fast and cheap. And aren’t the storage racks little grids full of materialistic desire? I put the imagery of bathtub in it repeatedly to continue the thought in “A Lego Apartment” and try the possibility of putting together imageries unrelated to each other.
Wang Xijin
The Mountain 1
Scenery of the eternal pursuit, removal of materialization, disintegration of illusion, and thus build a spiritual dimension, to interpret the boundary of the mind. From a poem, a movie, a thinking, grow out of an ordinary life, but beyond the experience of my life. I use the painting language sense instant change of strong, with a clearer picture than words power to describe. Will put the scenery of the heart to stay longer, forming a a person's heart garden.
Li Manya
The Mountain 2
Scenery of the eternal pursuit, removal of materialization, disintegration of illusion, and thus build a spiritual dimension, to interpret the boundary of the mind. From a poem, a movie, a thinking, grow out of an ordinary life, but beyond the experience of my life. I use the painting language sense instant change of strong, with a clearer picture than words power to describe. Will put the scenery of the heart to stay longer, forming a a person's heart garden.
Li Manya
The Mountain 3
Scenery of the eternal pursuit, removal of materialization, disintegration of illusion, and thus build a spiritual dimension, to interpret the boundary of the mind. From a poem, a movie, a thinking, grow out of an ordinary life, but beyond the experience of my life. I use the painting language sense instant change of strong, with a clearer picture than words power to describe. Will put the scenery of the heart to stay longer, forming a a person's heart garden.
Li Manya
Using Max and ardunio programming, made of sound visualization device. This work mainly reflects the sound in different environments in different space carrying capacity is different, when people in this device before the sound you will find six triangular static device different color changes, we according to the value of different Color division, one to achieve communication.
Jia Zheng
Do Not Touch
This is a discussion on the commodity economy, the virtual part of the use of warm yellow tones to bright luster, mainly. While the next group is shot using cool solid jokes, which is a group of real presence. In fact, the commodity economy is so you can not see the fact that there is.
Jia Zheng
The first choice of the projected language is the Moss password, because the Moss password is a mysterious but with a wide range of languages without borders. In the dilapidated wooden table, I want to think of the table, the words of the Moss password, select the table as a carrier because we live in a large system, to participate nine year compulsory education in China , my first love to learning to harvest friendship are at the table Next to the completion of the relationship between me and thousands of miles.
Jia Zheng
本作品材料来源于建筑工地的支撑用木方,这些木头都是源自一棵棵鲜活的树木;树木跟木头在名字上有着本质上的区别,听着很容易混淆,一边是生命的木,一边是指失去生命的木头,本着接此次创作,希望寄予木头一种新生的生命,不仅仅只是工具的生命,更是艺术的生命。 作品自述: 传统木雕工艺(东阳木雕,潮州木雕,福建木雕)强调对木料的选择,以至于在国内形成木比金贵的交易习惯,加上国内木工作坊师傅与徒弟透过口口相传或者耳濡目染的传统模式传授技艺,导致最后木雕工艺在千百年间只能以精雕细琢或者反复对传统神话故事等案例(如二十四孝典故)反复做为创作源泉与题材。木雕工艺不似泥塑,可以边摸索边创作,更不能像绘画一样随心所欲,因为材质的缘故,创作者需要提前在脑中乃至草稿不断的做预先的演练方能下刀雕琢;同时,我们不难发现所有的工艺巧匠都喜欢将所有的作品以打磨至光滑无比最后统一光油伺候成油亮的工艺品。综上,本人利用随处可觅且‘不太贵重’的建筑工地用木方来加以创作,在创作前,不论细节,颜色,都不会因为材料的限制而可以随心所欲的创作。在颜色上也以鲜艳的颜色加以覆盖尝试打破木头阿紫视觉上的质感,但是当观者近看观察时,不经打磨的木纹,刀刻纹路与颜色产生出不一样的肌理视觉。 创作背景:深圳市是一个在短短30年间迅速经济发展的一线国际都市,作为在深圳土生土长的第二代深圳新移民,见证着深圳从小渔村快速化的转变与进程;建设的过程成中,伴随着大量的拆迁与建设。对于深圳第二代成长的我,建筑工地确实是再熟悉不过的童年成长。每每看到大量的建筑材料从全国云集到深圳的施工现场,钢筋,水泥,砖头等等,就像全国各色人才的汇集一起参与到这个大熔炉中去寻找自己的定位。在形形色色的材料中,我选中了建筑木方,每次从各地运来横七竖八的堆叠在施工现场的摸样,不禁感叹曾经这些有生命的材料被切割成为可以利用的形状并在建筑工地上经受不一样的作用,每根木方像肉体一样经历不同的建筑工地留下形形色色的伤痕,就像饱经摧残的小人物一样,我希望透过新的颜色,形状去赋予小人物新的面貌。
Guo Hongyuan
本作品材料来源于建筑工地的支撑用木方,这些木头都是源自一棵棵鲜活的树木;树木跟木头在名字上有着本质上的区别,听着很容易混淆,一边是生命的木,一边是指失去生命的木头,本着接此次创作,希望寄予木头一种新生的生命,不仅仅只是工具的生命,更是艺术的生命。 作品自述: 传统木雕工艺(东阳木雕,潮州木雕,福建木雕)强调对木料的选择,以至于在国内形成木比金贵的交易习惯,加上国内木工作坊师傅与徒弟透过口口相传或者耳濡目染的传统模式传授技艺,导致最后木雕工艺在千百年间只能以精雕细琢或者反复对传统神话故事等案例(如二十四孝典故)反复做为创作源泉与题材。木雕工艺不似泥塑,可以边摸索边创作,更不能像绘画一样随心所欲,因为材质的缘故,创作者需要提前在脑中乃至草稿不断的做预先的演练方能下刀雕琢;同时,我们不难发现所有的工艺巧匠都喜欢将所有的作品以打磨至光滑无比最后统一光油伺候成油亮的工艺品。综上,本人利用随处可觅且‘不太贵重’的建筑工地用木方来加以创作,在创作前,不论细节,颜色,都不会因为材料的限制而可以随心所欲的创作。在颜色上也以鲜艳的颜色加以覆盖尝试打破木头阿紫视觉上的质感,但是当观者近看观察时,不经打磨的木纹,刀刻纹路与颜色产生出不一样的肌理视觉。 创作背景:深圳市是一个在短短30年间迅速经济发展的一线国际都市,作为在深圳土生土长的第二代深圳新移民,见证着深圳从小渔村快速化的转变与进程;建设的过程成中,伴随着大量的拆迁与建设。对于深圳第二代成长的我,建筑工地确实是再熟悉不过的童年成长。每每看到大量的建筑材料从全国云集到深圳的施工现场,钢筋,水泥,砖头等等,就像全国各色人才的汇集一起参与到这个大熔炉中去寻找自己的定位。在形形色色的材料中,我选中了建筑木方,每次从各地运来横七竖八的堆叠在施工现场的摸样,不禁感叹曾经这些有生命的材料被切割成为可以利用的形状并在建筑工地上经受不一样的作用,每根木方像肉体一样经历不同的建筑工地留下形形色色的伤痕,就像饱经摧残的小人物一样,我希望透过新的颜色,形状去赋予小人物新的面貌。
Guo Hongyuan
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