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在微观世界中,哪怕最小的尘埃都有它独特的表情。我运用彩色铅笔的丰富层次和颜色来营造一个梦幻和想像的空间。 In the microscopic world, even the smallest dust has its unique expression. I use the rich levels and colors by color pencils to create a fantastic and imaginative space.
Li Muzi
在微观世界中,哪怕最小的尘埃都有它独特的表情。我运用彩色铅笔的丰富层次和颜色来营造一个梦幻和想像的空间。 In the microscopic world, even the smallest dust has its unique expression. I use the rich levels and colors by color pencils to create a fantastic and imaginative space.
Li Muzi
在微观世界中,哪怕最小的尘埃都有它独特的表情。我运用彩色铅笔的丰富层次和颜色来营造一个梦幻和想像的空间。 In the microscopic world, even the smallest dust has its unique expression. I use the rich levels and colors by color pencils to create a fantastic and imaginative space.
Li Muzi
Li Jiatong
Li Jiatong
Li Jiatong
Red Tide Tea Extravagant
作品名:《赤潮荼靡》; 作品材料:羊毛毡与蓝靛染真丝; 尺寸:宽2.4m;高0.6m; 制作工艺:羊毛毡、植物染; 展现形式:悬挂展示、LED小灯; 作品简介: 鲜艳的颜色模仿自然形态中的赤潮,色彩斑斓的外貌下却是摄人心魄的美杜莎 “水者何也,万物之源本也,诸生之宗室也。”呼吁大家与自然和谐共生,还原海洋本来的面貌。 / Title: "red tide tea extravagant"; Works of materials: wool felt and blue indigo dye silk; Size: width 2.4m; high 0.6m; Production process: wool felt, plant dyeing; Show form: hanging display, LED small lights; Brief introduction: bright colors to imitate the natural form of red tide, colorful appearance is breathtaking Medusa "Water who also, the source of all things also, the students of the monks also." Call for harmony with nature and harmony, to restore the original appearance of the ocean.
Li Jingjing
作品名:《线》; 作品材料:布; 尺寸:宽1.5m;高1.2m; 制作工艺:珩缝; 展现形式:壁挂; 作品简介: 自然中处处存在的线性特征 光的形态 岩石的形态 Title: "line"; Work material: cloth; Size: 1.5m wide; 1.2m high; Production process: honing; Show form: wall hanging; Introduction: There are linear features everywhere in nature The shape of the rock
Li Jingjing
人类一直被生老病死爱别离所困惑、恐惧,而这是每个生物都要面对的。生命如是进展,别离就此发生。 就如博尔赫斯的诗: 上帝的长夜没有尽期 你的肉体只是时光 不停流逝的时光 你不过是每一个孤独的瞬息 作品五个分类包含着从微观到宏观的五行之间我对别离的认知观和生命观。
Tian Tianjiao
Tian Tianjiao
Chen Pengyu
Chen Pengyu
Chen Pengyu
Su Jing
Frits In Autumn
Su Jing
Life And Growth In Nature
Su Jing
Winter - Warm Sun
家乡多年未归,沿着儿时记忆中的路,走到了一个似曾相识的地方,见到的,依旧是那片暖阳,照耀的却不在是那梦里的地方 I have not returned hometown for many years, along the road of childhood memory, walked to a familiar place, I see, still is the warm sun, not the place of the dream.
Wang Yuwei
随着时代的变迁,科技日益发达,人们的生活也随着变得丰富多彩。信息时代的到来让我们的时间走动变得越来越快速,我们的文化亦是如此。几十年前的社会大环境跟这个时代完全是两个摸样,有的东西产生了,有的东西消失了。如此迅速得消失在时代的变迁下、消失在文化的改革下、消失在人民的记忆里!那种集体的记忆慢慢消散,不再有大广播、黑白电视、收音机、28寸的凤凰牌自行车等等记忆再次出现。怀旧的情节解不开我们对过去的映像的留恋,点点滴滴的生活、行为方式其实都在表露出从那个时代走过来的痕迹。然而我们今天的生活变得那么奢欲、无聊、空虚、浮躁、梦幻、压抑,这是我们所要得到的生活吗?当然今天我们的确过得比以前更加的丰富了。但是我们也在失去一些值得我们去留恋的纯真。这个年代的记忆对于我们来说就是空白,时代变化太快。我们需要停下来看一看我们的周围,我们的生活!系列作品《逝去无名》就是从这个出发点来构建的框架:那个时代给我们留下来的点滴回忆随着时间正在慢慢消逝能留给我们的东西越来越少,就如画中的空间,我们能记得住的还剩在什么?只是无名而已。无名正是那个时代的纯真,失去的就是纯真,我们所要回忆、所要追求的正是我们在时间的隧道中丢失的无名。 As the change of The Times, science and technology increasingly developed, the life of people with becomes rich and colorful. The arrival of information age makes us walking time becomes more and more quickly, our culture as well. Decades ago, the social environment with this era is completely two touch kind, there is something that is produced, some things disappear. So quickly disappeared under the changes of The Times, disappear under the reform of the cultural, disappear in people's memory! The sort of collective memory dissipate, there will be no major broadcast, black and white television, radio, 28 inches, phoenix bicycle and so on memory again. Nostalgic plot solution doesn't open our image of the past linger, little drops of life, the behavior way are actually express came up from the era of trace. However, today's life has become so love-ridden self, boring, empty, impetuous, dream, depression, this is what we are to get a life? Of course we did today is more abundant than before. But we are losing some pure worth recalling. The memory of the s for us is blank, times change too fast. We need to stop and take a look at all around us, our life! Series \"lost unknown\" is from the starting point to build the framework: the time for us to stay a little memory is slowly faded over time can leave us less and less, the space in the picture, we can remember left in what? Just the unknown. Unknown it was the age of innocence, lost is pure, we have to recall, to pursue what we lost in the time tunnel of the unknown.
Liang Xucai
随着时代的变迁,科技日益发达,人们的生活也随着变得丰富多彩。信息时代的到来让我们的时间走动变得越来越快速,我们的文化亦是如此。几十年前的社会大环境跟这个时代完全是两个摸样,有的东西产生了,有的东西消失了。如此迅速得消失在时代的变迁下、消失在文化的改革下、消失在人民的记忆里!那种集体的记忆慢慢消散,不再有大广播、黑白电视、收音机、28寸的凤凰牌自行车等等记忆再次出现。怀旧的情节解不开我们对过去的映像的留恋,点点滴滴的生活、行为方式其实都在表露出从那个时代走过来的痕迹。然而我们今天的生活变得那么奢欲、无聊、空虚、浮躁、梦幻、压抑,这是我们所要得到的生活吗?当然今天我们的确过得比以前更加的丰富了。但是我们也在失去一些值得我们去留恋的纯真。这个年代的记忆对于我们来说就是空白,时代变化太快。我们需要停下来看一看我们的周围,我们的生活!系列作品《逝去无名》就是从这个出发点来构建的框架:那个时代给我们留下来的点滴回忆随着时间正在慢慢消逝能留给我们的东西越来越少,就如画中的空间,我们能记得住的还剩在什么?只是无名而已。无名正是那个时代的纯真,失去的就是纯真,我们所要回忆、所要追求的正是我们在时间的隧道中丢失的无名。 As the change of The Times, science and technology increasingly developed, the life of people with becomes rich and colorful. The arrival of information age makes us walking time becomes more and more quickly, our culture as well. Decades ago, the social environment with this era is completely two touch kind, there is something that is produced, some things disappear. So quickly disappeared under the changes of The Times, disappear under the reform of the cultural, disappear in people's memory! The sort of collective memory dissipate, there will be no major broadcast, black and white television, radio, 28 inches, phoenix bicycle and so on memory again. Nostalgic plot solution doesn't open our image of the past linger, little drops of life, the behavior way are actually express came up from the era of trace. However, today's life has become so love-ridden self, boring, empty, impetuous, dream, depression, this is what we are to get a life? Of course we did today is more abundant than before. But we are losing some pure worth recalling. The memory of the s for us is blank, times change too fast. We need to stop and take a look at all around us, our life! Series \"lost unknown\" is from the starting point to build the framework: the time for us to stay a little memory is slowly faded over time can leave us less and less, the space in the picture, we can remember left in what? Just the unknown. Unknown it was the age of innocence, lost is pure, we have to recall, to pursue what we lost in the time tunnel of the unknown.
Liang Xucai
随着时代的变迁,科技日益发达,人们的生活也随着变得丰富多彩。信息时代的到来让我们的时间走动变得越来越快速,我们的文化亦是如此。几十年前的社会大环境跟这个时代完全是两个摸样,有的东西产生了,有的东西消失了。如此迅速得消失在时代的变迁下、消失在文化的改革下、消失在人民的记忆里!那种集体的记忆慢慢消散,不再有大广播、黑白电视、收音机、28寸的凤凰牌自行车等等记忆再次出现。怀旧的情节解不开我们对过去的映像的留恋,点点滴滴的生活、行为方式其实都在表露出从那个时代走过来的痕迹。然而我们今天的生活变得那么奢欲、无聊、空虚、浮躁、梦幻、压抑,这是我们所要得到的生活吗?当然今天我们的确过得比以前更加的丰富了。但是我们也在失去一些值得我们去留恋的纯真。这个年代的记忆对于我们来说就是空白,时代变化太快。我们需要停下来看一看我们的周围,我们的生活!系列作品《逝去无名》就是从这个出发点来构建的框架:那个时代给我们留下来的点滴回忆随着时间正在慢慢消逝能留给我们的东西越来越少,就如画中的空间,我们能记得住的还剩在什么?只是无名而已。无名正是那个时代的纯真,失去的就是纯真,我们所要回忆、所要追求的正是我们在时间的隧道中丢失的无名。 As the change of The Times, science and technology increasingly developed, the life of people with becomes rich and colorful. The arrival of information age makes us walking time becomes more and more quickly, our culture as well. Decades ago, the social environment with this era is completely two touch kind, there is something that is produced, some things disappear. So quickly disappeared under the changes of The Times, disappear under the reform of the cultural, disappear in people's memory! The sort of collective memory dissipate, there will be no major broadcast, black and white television, radio, 28 inches, phoenix bicycle and so on memory again. Nostalgic plot solution doesn't open our image of the past linger, little drops of life, the behavior way are actually express came up from the era of trace. However, today's life has become so love-ridden self, boring, empty, impetuous, dream, depression, this is what we are to get a life? Of course we did today is more abundant than before. But we are losing some pure worth recalling. The memory of the s for us is blank, times change too fast. We need to stop and take a look at all around us, our life! Series \"lost unknown\" is from the starting point to build the framework: the time for us to stay a little memory is slowly faded over time can leave us less and less, the space in the picture, we can remember left in what? Just the unknown. Unknown it was the age of innocence, lost is pure, we have to recall, to pursue what we lost in the time tunnel of the unknown.
Liang Xucai
Wang Shanshan
Wang Shanshan
Ideal Kingdom Of The King-1
表达的是我们想要的生活和想追求的生活貌似很美好,每个人像个理想王一样创造自己的国度,不惧辛苦和困难,去一心寻找和组建自己的幸福生活。其实到最后往往会发现我们追求的是理想国的王,而恰巧我们筑建的是《理想王的国》。 Expression is that we want a life and want to pursue life seems to be very good, each like a king of ideal to create your own country, not afraid of hard work and difficulties, to search and form their own happy life. Actually to finally tends to find that we pursue is the king of the utopia, just we built the \"ideal kingdom of the king\".
Yang Mei
Ideal Kingdom Of The King-2
表达的是我们想要的生活和想追求的生活貌似很美好,每个人像个理想王一样创造自己的国度,不惧辛苦和困难,去一心寻找和组建自己的幸福生活。其实到最后往往会发现我们追求的是理想国的王,而恰巧我们筑建的是《理想王的国》。 Expression is that we want a life and want to pursue life seems to be very good, each like a king of ideal to create your own country, not afraid of hard work and difficulties, to search and form their own happy life. Actually to finally tends to find that we pursue is the king of the utopia, just we built the \"ideal kingdom of the king\".
Yang Mei
Ideal Kingdom Of The King-3
表达的是我们想要的生活和想追求的生活貌似很美好,每个人像个理想王一样创造自己的国度,不惧辛苦和困难,去一心寻找和组建自己的幸福生活。其实到最后往往会发现我们追求的是理想国的王,而恰巧我们筑建的是《理想王的国》。 Expression is that we want a life and want to pursue life seems to be very good, each like a king of ideal to create your own country, not afraid of hard work and difficulties, to search and form their own happy life. Actually to finally tends to find that we pursue is the king of the utopia, just we built the \"ideal kingdom of the king\".
Yang Mei
Cold Leftovers-1
《残羹冷炙》系列之一 作品创作于2016年 综合材料 在当今社会的竞争下,不论是生活还是工作上我们每个人身上都肩负着不同的压力。在这个时候我们都会用什么解压的方式释放自己呢?甜品 但是当我们吃过这些令自己身心愉悦的甜品之后留下的又是什么呢?是食物的残羹冷炙,还是心理上的残羹冷炙…… 《残羹冷炙》系列一用沙土作为基底再用热熔胶作为肌理作出流淌的效果,加深观众对作品的观赏欲望。色彩艳丽可爱。 Competition in today's society, whether life or work on every one of us who are charged with different pressure. At this time we will use any way to extract the release yourself? dessert But when we eat these make oneself happy dessert after what is left? Is the food scraps, scraps or mentally... "Bear" series a sand was used as basal and hot melt adhesive was used as texture to make the effect of flow, deepen the audience watch the desire to work. Colour is gorgeous and lovely.
Zhai Lujia
Cold Leftovers-3
《残羹冷炙》系列之三 作品创作于2017年 布面油画 在当今社会的竞争下,不论是生活还是工作上我们每个人身上都肩负着不同的压力。在这个时候我们都会用什么解压的方式释放自己呢?甜品 但是当我们吃过这些令自己身心愉悦的甜品之后留下的又是什么呢?是食物的残羹冷炙,还是心理上的残羹冷炙…… 《残羹冷炙》系列一用沙土作为基底再用热熔胶作为肌理作出流淌的效果,加深观众对作品的观赏欲望。色彩艳丽可爱。 Competition in today's society, whether life or work on every one of us who are charged with different pressure. At this time we will use any way to extract the release yourself? dessert But when we eat these make oneself happy dessert after what is left? Is the food scraps, scraps or mentally... "Bear" series a sand was used as basal and hot melt adhesive was used as texture to make the effect of flow, deepen the audience watch the desire to work. Colour is gorgeous and lovely.
Zhai Lujia
Cold Leftovers-4
《残羹冷炙》系列之四 作品创作于2017年 布面油画 在当今社会的竞争下,不论是生活还是工作上我们每个人身上都肩负着不同的压力。在这个时候我们都会用什么解压的方式释放自己呢?甜品 但是当我们吃过这些令自己身心愉悦的甜品之后留下的又是什么呢?是食物的残羹冷炙,还是心理上的残羹冷炙…… 《残羹冷炙》系列一用沙土作为基底再用热熔胶作为肌理作出流淌的效果,加深观众对作品的观赏欲望。色彩艳丽可爱。 Competition in today's society, whether life or work on every one of us who are charged with different pressure. At this time we will use any way to extract the release yourself? dessert But when we eat these make oneself happy dessert after what is left? Is the food scraps, scraps or mentally... "Bear" series a sand was used as basal and hot melt adhesive was used as texture to make the effect of flow, deepen the audience watch the desire to work. Colour is gorgeous and lovely.
Zhai Lujia
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