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Xiaorui Yu
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摄影作品通过记录女人的生理现象旨在反应当代社会对女性权益的侵害。从多数人对作品反映的正常女性生理现象的震惊和甚至恶心的反应来表达人类社会对女性缺乏的尊重和理解。作者通过这种方法引起观者思考女性权益损害的本源,尤其是在美国当今社会和政治环境下出现的禁止堕胎和女性健康权益等的损害。 The photography work reflects the harmed female rights by using the normal physiological phenomenon of women. Especially when people see the work, some think it's disturbing even "disgusting". The respond from people is a lack of respect and understanding of female rights from human society. The artist uses this method which is creating a psychological intervention to the viewers to have people think what is the deepest reason that the feminism is now a social issue typically under the nowadays American political and social environment.
Release Time: 2017-09-02