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Danyang Wang
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《楞严经》中有言“知见立知,即无明本。”世间一切身心知见,皆因无明幻化而生,从此安立我相,加以执着,一切贪、嗔、痴、慢等由此炽盛蔓延。这组盆栽装置,即是由无明生长出的手,千面千相。每只手都做出佛手姿态,是因众生本具真如佛性,有佛之知见,却被无明封蔽。作品近似盆栽的构成方式,运用置换手法,置换植物的部分,用关节手代替,整组作品具有重复的秩序感,使观者观想每个手的不同之处。/"Hedongshihou" in the words of "knowledge set knowledge, without the." All the physical and mental perception, because of ignorance and illusion, and Li I, be persistent, all greed, hatred and ignorance, the slow spread of. This set of potted plants, that is, from the hands of the Ming Dynasty, thousands of faces. Each hand makes a gesture of citron because of the true Buddha nature of all beings and the Buddha's knowledge, but is sealed by ignorance. The work is similar to the method of potted plants, using replacement techniques, replacing parts of plants, and replacing them with joints. The entire set of works has a repetitive sense of order, allowing the viewer to visualize the differences in each hand.
Release Time: 2017-08-04