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Lou Xiao
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《虚mi山系列》不是传统意味上的“须弥山”用语。“须弥山”体现的是佛教认识下的宇宙观。宇宙观是对时间与空间的认识,人不会脱离时空的限制。在语言矛盾与现实危机下,物质形态与意识语言的反向,重组与分解。个人“图腾”逐渐强化,是传统与现实的背叛,批判。作品为手工镂刻剪纸,通过视觉符号,似乎体现了中心与边缘的偏离。 "Falsel mi mountain series" is not the traditional meaning of "Sumeru" language. "Sumeru" embodies the cosmology of Buddhism. Cosmology is the understanding of time and space, people will not be divorced from time and space constraints. In the language contradiction and the reality of the crisis, material form and consciousness of language reverse, reorganization and decomposition. Personal "totem" gradually strengthened, it is the tradition and reality of betrayal, criticism. Works for hand-engraved paper-cut, through the visual symbols, seems to reflect the center and the edge of the deviation.
Release Time: 2017-05-01