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Liu Ming
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礼,是华夏文明最重要的文化内核之一,是五千年来中华民族的精神印记和共有记忆。礼,可以是物质层面的礼物,也可以是精神层面的礼仪。礼以秩序为目标,礼中庸为法则。内求诸心,外藏诸器。礼是灵魂皈依的步履,礼是尽善尽美的方向。上达于仁,下成于艺。礼是对心灵的自我省察,礼也是用正确的方法做正确的事。礼是谦卑,是包容;礼是艺术,是和谐。现代社会的快速发展使得人们对于中国传统礼仪文化的接受与传承变得轻视,‘礼’在年轻人心中的位置和在社会中的地位每况愈下。此作品通过古代成语的牵引来诠释礼法的重要意义,其初衷就是为了呼吁大家重新认识“礼”的内容与作用。 作为公益类的主题海报,更多的是希望在生活、艺术的方面潜移默化的影响观者的内心认识。这种柔软的方式相对于其他形式来说不但更容易使人们接受,而且会在人们心中产生巨大的回响,不失为一种传播正能量的可取方式。 Propriety, is one of the most important cultural core in chinese civilization, is five thousand years of memories company with our ancestry . Propriety, is a self-examination of spiritual , can teaching us the right way to do the right thing. It symbol humble and inclusive;it is art, it is harmony. The rapid development of modern society makes people more and more impetuous,they don’t take the initiative to accept the Chinese traditional culture.This work’s original intention was appeal to rediscover the importance of propriety of the content and effect through the ancient proverb. As the poster theme of Commonweal, I hope to make some subtle influence for viewer and affect their daily life.Use this subtle way can make it easier for people to accept and bring a huge impact than any other ways.So, this is a desirable way to spread positive energy.
Release Time: 2017-04-10