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Li Rui
21 0

作品并不直接表现社会政治性命题,而是通过收集一些有所感悟的图像资料着力描述一种日常生活的场景与状态从某种意义上说,我的创作仿佛是在传统和记忆即将消逝的时刻对记忆的追认,并被纳入到他个体切身的生存经历和重构记忆当中。既是记忆的现实显影,又是在其形而上的超验表现,也正是这种表层的真实后面隐藏得更为深刻的真实,才能引起我们心灵上的共鸣乃至震撼。 The work does not directly represent the social and political propositions, but rather through the collection of some sentimental images to describe a daily life of the scene and state in a sense, my creation as if the tradition and memory is about to die Always on the memory of the pursuit, and was included in his personal survival experience and reconstruction of memory. Both the reality of memory development, but also in its metaphysical transcendental performance, it is also the surface of the real behind the hidden more profound real, in order to cause our spiritual resonance and even shock.
Release Time: 2017-04-23