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Deng Shiqing
Vent No.1
21 0

深受超现实主义的影响,这些怪异荒诞的非理性世界的幻觉形象,将对现世人际关系经验的思考纳入戏剧化的虚妄梦境中,是对理性世界的强烈控诉与挣扎。我的画直面畸变的21世纪,在当下社会人们普遍拥有一种“厌世”情绪,喧闹繁荣的表层之下是矛盾与惶恐的失常秩序,运用对身体的描绘来揭示现实的痛楚,是当代人类普遍共通情感的直接映射。 In this recent body of work, they are filled with enthusiasm, anxiety, loneliness and romantic…. The whole series is about contradiction in different ways. She influenced by Surrealism and Neo-Classic. She used thick brushstrokes and thin traditional glazing techniques informed by the collages between abstraction and figuration.
Release Time: 2017-04-24