Soft Nails
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I am always interested on the joints which one gets after certain object is deconstructed. Nails, when stuck in furniture, is foreign. They don’t belong to the body, yet they themselves build up a body. The timber which one gets after dismantling the old recycled furniture is normally saved for next use, on the other end, nails usually get thrown away. Because you can always find new nails, they are nails and nails only, what could they be good for? When I borrow some tools from my school, such as drill or screwdriver, I have to return them afterward. But if I borrow ten nails and say, alright I will return them afterward. They would certainly say don’t worry about it. Nails are often bought in large quantity, and when it gets down to ten, it is not taken as property anymore.
Release Time: 2017-02-15