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Wang Jinshuai
Far Away The Las Meninas
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法国哲学家米歇尔·福柯在《词与物》书中第一章以《宫娥》为讨论的文本,通过探讨凝视与再现的问题,来解构再现的视觉秩序。其次,毕加索也画过很多《宫娥》的变体画。所以我选择了《宫娥》作为哲学理论和绘画实践的双重研究作品。 在我的作品中,首先通过分析原作中的点线面和黑白灰构成因素,借鉴设计构成来重新解构作品。用疏密虚实不同的直线和圆将具象的人物解构为抽象的平面的几何形,同时把古典的写实的色彩转化为黑白灰,用蓝灰色既打破单调的黑白构成,冷蓝色的灰又与理性的几何形相呼应。圆形像是舞台上的聚光灯直射到人物上,强化了原作中的舞台感和戏剧性。同时圆形和组成人物的直线形成曲直对比,又起到分割画面的作用。 Philosopher Foucault in the first chapter in the book " The Order of Things " ,regard”Las Meninas”as to discussion text, by discussing gaze and reproduce relationship, to deconstruct the visual reappearance of the order. Second, Picasso painted many Las Menians variants of the painting. So I chose "Las Menians“ as a philosophical theory and dual research works of painting practice. In my work, first of all, through the analysis of the original and black and white ash composition factors of point, line and plane, in reference to the design form to deconstruction. With density of the actual situation of different linear and circular representation of deconstruction for the abstract plane geometric characters, at the same time, the classical realistic color into black and white ash, break the monotony of both black and white with blue gray, cold blue grey and that coincide with rational geometry. Roundness like the stage of the spotlights ,illuminate on the people in the painting, to strengthen the original stage of sense and dramatic. At the same time of circular and linear matters and contrast of the characters, and play the role of split work.
Release Time: 2017-04-13