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作品使用了纽约街头最易见也对人类社会极其重要的消防栓设备结合人体营造出出一种幻象。 作者旨在反应美国当今政治和社会环境下日益受到侵犯的女权主义思想。 表达人类对女性与生殖应该表现出的尊重。
The digital art work uses the most common seen but also easily ignored fire hydrants which are functioned as the most fundamental facility in human society. The artists combined them with half naked human figures to create a fantasy. The artist intends to reflect the infringed female rights under the present political and social environment in the United States. As a feminist, the artist is to deliver a thought that female and reproduction rights need to be respected.
Release Time: 2017-08-02